Middle Eastern, Fast food, Western
4.96 km
100+ ratings
100+ ratings
100+ ratings
Tortilla, Ayam , Keju, Sayur
Mac And Cheese With Mixed Real Cheese
3 Jumbo Quesa
Tortilla, Ayam , Keju, Sayur
Big Chicken Quesadilla with Mozarella Cheese
Large Quesadilla with 250gr premium cheese
Martabak Taco Dengan Isian Campuran Coklat Dan Keju
Deep Fried Hash Brown Potato
Tortilla chips with taco chicken and mixed sauce.
French Fries, Sosis, Nugget
Kentang Goreng
FF with mixed herb, sauce, and cheese
Mac And Cheese With Mixed Real Cheese
Macaroni n Cheese with Chicken Quesadilla Cafe Mexico
Nasi Ayam Khas Mexico
Omelette with tortilla chips n cheese
Mexican Chicken Steak with Fries
Nasi dengan daging cincang khas Mexico
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