Hot / Ice
Espresso Brewed With Foamed Milk
Hot Water Brewed WithEspresso
Espresso Brewed With Mikk And Vanilla Flavour
Espresso Brewed With Milk, Rum Flavour, Simple Syrup
Espresso Brewed With Milk And Tiramisu Flavour
Kopi Susu Dengan Flavour Butterscoth
Jahe Hangat Dengan Kayu Manis
Chicken Breast Fillet Coated With Sago Flour And Serve Streamed Rice, Teriyaki Sauce And Fresh Vegetables
Fish Fillet Coated With Crispy Flour And Cooked With Blackpapper Sauce And Served With White Rice
Fillet dada ayam/ikan dori yang dibalut tepung dan dimasak dengan saus mentega, disajikan dengan nasi putih
French Fries With Chili Sauce And Tomato Sauce
Onion Rings Breaded With Wheat Flour And Serve With Thousand Island
Tempeh Breaded With Yellow Spice Mix And Flour, Serve with Colo Colo Sauce
Arinated Chicken Wings Breade With Wheat Flour And Spicy Sauce, Serve With Tartar Sauce
Salmon Dan Basamel Yang Di Mix Dengan sayuran dan Disajikan Dengan Dj Mustard
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