RM Abrar Ayam Bakar dan Goreng Kremes, Serengan
Chicken & duck, Rice, Sate
Sate Kambing Pak Samin Keprabon, Banjarsari
Sate Kambing dan Gule Goreng Pak Samin
Bhumi Pelangi, Serengan
Beverages, Snacks, Sate
Sate Kambing Pak Manto
Sate Tegal Kambing Muda, Veteran
Sate Kambing Mas Saky
Rice, Sate
Sosis Babi Bu Nanik
Rice, Sate
Babah Liem Solo, Jl Jend Urip Sumoharjo No 57
Rice, Chinese, Sate
Warung Sate Kambing Mas Di
Sate, Beverages, Rice
Sate Kambing Mungkung Sragen Cabang Solo, Jalan Yosodipuro No.62
Indonesian, Chicken & duck, Sate
Sate Kambing Mas Narto, Pasar Kliwon
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