Sego Bakar Gacor, Barat Pasar Klewer Surakarta
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Seafood Caktom Samping Panorama
Resto Mbah Kamso, Jl. Brigjen Sudiarto
Seafood, Beverages, Rice
Seafood Kepiting Telur Wahyudi, Laweyan
Chicken & duck, Seafood
Sefood lamongan Baim, Laweyan
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Seafood
Ninok Cuisine Seblak Nggih, Tentara Genie Pelajar
Snacks, Fast food, Seafood
SeblakJabrut Aldiva
Fast food, Seafood, Indonesian
RenataFood, Tegal Kuniran Rt 03/26
Snacks, Seafood, Chinese
Milenial Food N Drink, Ngasinan
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Wedangan Liana, Jebres
Seafood, Snacks, Rice
Ayam Kremes Pecel Lele Santri
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Seafood dan Pecel Lele Mas Putro, Laweyan
Seafood, Chicken & duck
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