Merdeka Checkpoint, Lembursitu
Fast food, Beverages, Snacks
Soto Teh Ai Abell 2, Gunung Karang Sukabumi
Bakso & soto, Beverages, Fast food
Soto dan Sop Teh Ai Abel, Didi Sukardi
Bakso & soto, Rice, Fast food
Snacks, Fast food, Indonesian
AUFA FROZEN FOOD, Jl Gg.Gotong Royong Nanggelen
Seafood, Fast food
Snacks, Beverages, Fast food
Bakso & Cirambay Sikembar, Amubawa Sasana
Snacks, Fast food, Bakso & soto
Ayam Geprek Lavanya Kitchen, Jalan Ciandam Sudajaya.
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Snacks
RAJA PEDAS, Jl Parigi No 23 Sdn Pajagalan
Rice, Bakso & soto, Fast food
WARUNG KELONTONG DD, Cigombong, Sindangresmi
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Richeese Factory, RA Kosasih
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Rice
Bakso Centil 2, Cikole Gunungparang Gg.Ajid 1
Fast food, Bakso & soto, Noodles
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