Warung Bu Kris,Ruko Villa Bukit Mas
Iga Bakar Dapur Alesha, Putat Gede
Beverages, Rice, Fast food
McDonald's, Mayjen Sungkono
Fast food, Sweets, Snacks
Depot Gang Djangkrik, Dukuh Pakis
Ayam Koplo (Hangry Nasi Ayam Geprek), Sukomanugl
Chicken & duck, Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Moon Chicken (Hangry Fried Chicken), Sukomanugl
Korean, Chicken & duck, Snacks, Fast food, Rice
Ayam Goreng Bu Tumbar by Hangry, Sukomanugl
Chicken & duck, Rice, Fast food
Subway, HR Muhammad
Western, Fast food, Bakery
Greenly, Darmo (Healthy Salad, Bowl, Juice)
Fast food, Rice, Western, Seafood
Grand Wingheng Hongkong, Kendal Surabaya
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Yung Ho Restaurant, Dukuh Pakis
Rice, Chinese
Nasi Campur Pojok Tambak Bayan, Darmo Permai
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