Kedai Qilla, Gresik/sidokumpul
Pisang_qu Lumer, Kartini Gg. 6 No. 17, Sidomoro Kebomas Gresik
Snacks, Beverages, Noodles
Mie Gacoan, Panglima Sudirman
Foudcourt Fresh 99, Mh Thamrin
Noodles, Rice
Quwaysh, Jl. Malik Ibrahim No.29
Beverages, Noodles, Middle Eastern
Lontong Balap Sate Kerang ABA SYAPEK, Gresik Kota
Chicken & duck, Noodles, Sate
COFFEE CAFE, sinergi hotel
Rice, Noodles, Beverages
Erdogan Food, Karangturi
Beverages, Snacks, Noodles
Quwaysh Mie Bakar, Tahu Bakso, Dimsum, Toko Terang Jaya, Gubernur Suryo
Snacks, Fast food, Noodles
Kedai Bang Jo, Gubernur Suryo
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Noodles
Kedai Jajanku (Food,)MieSetan Godzila/Sempl/Cilok, Jl.Gubernur Suryo Gang 11A/31
Beverages, Fast food, Noodles
Mie Ayam Uenak, Gresik Kota
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