Masakan Padang Dapoer Athaya, Krembangan/Perak Barat/Kerapu
Beverages, Rice, Coffee
Es Campur & Kacang Ijo Mas Kholik, Krembangan
Coffee, Beverages, Bakso & soto
Rujak Hafidz
Fast food, Coffee, Beverages
Kedai Felisha, Kantin Arung Samudra
Rice, Noodles, Coffee
Takopi, Perak Barat
Rice, Bakso & soto, Coffee
Gama Coffee, Bumimoro Driving Range
Beverages, Rice, Coffee
Point Coffee, Indomaret Rajawali SRBY
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks
Beverages, Coffee
WARUNG Biru Barokah Kawung 4, Jl Kawung
Rice, Chicken & duck, Coffee
Oemah Kopi, Bubutan
Coffee, Beverages
Kopi Sama-Sama Perak, Tambak Grinsing
Thai, Coffee, Beverages
Kiwarmindo, Krembangan Utara
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