Nikz Collection, Royal Residence
Fast food
Cucak Fnb, Lakarsantri
Fast food, Bakery, Snacks
mas klis tahu tek telur, LKR SNTR
Rice, Fast food
Warkop Agam Rempah Aceh, Lontar Lidah Kulon
Snacks, Rice, Fast food
Nasi Rica Rica SIKEMBAR, Jalan raya lidah wetan no 8
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
Nasi Tempe Penyet SIKEMBAR, Jalan raya lidah wetan no 8
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
Nasi Rica-rica Sikembar
Fast food, Rice, Chicken & duck
jajanremaja, Lakarsantri,Lidah Wetan
Snacks, Fast food
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