Camil Camil, Pabean Cantian
Chinese, Snacks, Korean
Dimsum Mbludak Dan Cemilan Nikmat, Pabean Cantian
Fast food, Snacks, Chinese
Nasi Goreng Jamet
Rice, Noodles, Chinese, Fried Rice
Zaman Dulu Cafe, Perak Barat
Rice, Chinese, Snacks
Rumah Makan SANTANA Ujung, Kompleks AL Armatim
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Nasi Goreng Jawa Tingting, Jl Indrapura No72
Rice, Fried Rice, Beverages, Chinese
Suplier Daging Burung Dara, Sawah Pulo Dka Gg 1/31
Seafood, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Depot Liem, Pabean Cantian
Pancarasa, Tanjung Perak
Seblak Bandung Abang Fatih, Nyamplungan 9/6
Noodles, Fast food, Chinese
Mie Ayam Wonogiri Emak Faza, Nyamplungan 9/6
Noodles, Beverages, Chinese
Rumah Makan Sabar, Krembangan
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