Healthy, Western, Snacks
Selada + wortel + jagung + kol ungu + bawang bombay + telur rebus + dressing (free)
Selada + wortel + jagung + kol ungu + bawang bombay + ayam grill + dressing (free)
Selada + Wortel + Jagung + Kol Ungu + Bawang Bombay + Telur Rebus + Dressing (Free)
Selada + Wortel + Jagung + Kol Ungu + Bawang Bombay + Ayam Grill + Dressing (Free)
Selada + Wortel + Jagung + Kol Ungu + Bawang Bombay + Telur Rabus (Setengah) + Ayam Grill + Dressing (Free)
Selada + Wortel + Jagung + Kol Ungu + Bawang Bombay + Telur (Utuh) + Ayam Grill + Dressing (Free)
Dressing signature salad date dengan sensasi bawang putih
Dressing Signature Salad Date
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