Dadar Beredar, Surabaya
Aiola Eatery, Slamet
Snacks, Beverages, Rice
Ayam Bakar Primarasa, Kusuma Bangsa
Chicken & duck
Spesial Soto Boyolali (SSB) Hj Hesti Widodo, Surabaya
Bakso & soto, Rice
Mie Gacoan, Genteng
Noodles, Snacks
Sate Kambing Pak Manto Solo, Kaca Piring
Ayam Geprek Mr. Suprek, Kusuma Bangsa
Chicken & duck
Depot Slamet Prambanan, Tambaksari
Rice, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Solaria, Grand City Surabaya
Kopi Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast, Jaksa Agung Suprapto
Coffee, Beverages, Bakery, Snacks
Saisho Coffee, Pemuda
Coffee, Beverages, Fast food
Nasi Bebek Hitam Pak Sayeki, Jolotundo
Chicken & duck
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