Dapur Fafa, Pondok Benowo Indah As 10
Beverages, Snacks, Seafood
Snacks, Rice, Seafood
Arif Frozen Food, Sememi
Snacks, Fast food, Seafood
cemilan Bu Ndut
Beverages, Snacks, Seafood
Kedai Seafood 3 Bintang, Gresik
Akang Seafood, Gresik
Rice, Seafood
Nasi Babat Mbokdenok Kedanyang, Kebomas
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Lontong Lodeh Kepiting Mas Warso, Gresik Kota
Kedai Bakaran, Tengger Kandangan XII
Snacks, Seafood, Chicken & duck
Bandeng Khas Gresik Sari Kelapa Group, Sukorame/Gresik/Gresik
Snacks, Seafood, Martabak
Setia Rasa
Chinese, Seafood
Kepiting Maknyuz Sby, Tandes
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