Nasi Goreng Sedap Malam, Cipedes
Rice, Fried Rice
Mie Ayam Ampera, Mitra Batik
EL Pancake Durian Medan Tasik 354, Sukalaya Barat
Fast food, Snacks
Just Only Mango & Avocado Thai, Cieunteung
Beverages, Snacks, Chicken & duck
Goreng & Bakar Ayam Bengkel Perut Mitra Batik, RE Martadinata
Chicken & duck
Seblak Rendy, Riung Asih Tengah
Snacks, Beverages
Nasi Goreng Mas Ikin, Insinyur Haji Juanda
Rice, Fried Rice
Warung Sate H. Syukron, Bantarsari
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