Tahu Walik Ku, Gambiran, Pandeyan/Umbulharjo
Snacks, Fast food, Beverages
Geprek Kejuu, Kotagede
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
Oppa Korean Food, Kotagede
Beverages, Rice, Korean
Captiva Coffee, Kotagede,Rejowinangun
Beverages, Coffee, Indonesian
Ale Gemes (Geprek & Kremes) Bu Rose, Pringgolayan
Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck
Pitta.co, Kedai Latarku Jogja, Banguntapan, Batul, Yogyakarta
Coffee, Beverages, Fast food
Ayam Geprek Pak Genggong, Ketandan,Jaranan Banguntapan
Beverages, Chicken & duck
Beverages, Snacks, Bakery
IKHOFI, Kopi Gedong Kuning
Beverages, Coffee
Warkop Cumlaude, Umbulharjo
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Kedai CEO, Celeban UH3 No 629D
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Circle K, Kusumanegara
Snacks, Beverages
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