Aa Kimbap Kulonprogo, Wonosidi Lor
Snacks, Korean
Osakha ( Beef, Ayam, Mie ), Giripeni, Wates
Rice, Chicken & duck, Korean
Kedai Happy Food & Drink ( Khas Bandung ), Kemesu Banjararum Kalibawang
Healthy, Korean, Martabak
Kedai Pak Ming, Jl. Kemusuk Km.1, Karanglo
Beverages, Bakery, Korean
Anita Cooking, Sidomulyo, Godean, Sleman
Fast food, Korean
nyocol borneo, depan puskesmas godean 2
Snacks, Fast food, Korean
Haengbok, Kasihan/Bangunjiwo
Beverages, Korean, Japanese
U-Rice Bowl, Bangunjiwo
Chicken & duck, Japanese, Korean
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