Fitria Juice, Kotagede
Yes Salad, Kasihan
Snacks, Sweets, Beverages
NASi GORENG AYAM SPESiAL@Pak Yanto, Abimanyu Rt 07
Fast food, Rice, Fried Rice
Lotis & Jus Buah "Warung Bu Nur", Ngemplak
Beverages, Snacks
Bakmi Jowo Gunungkidul Mas Brewok, Kalasan,porwomartani Kadisoka
Rice, Noodles
Bakmi Jawa Gunung Kidul, Kadisoka Raya
Rice, Noodles
Jus Kurma Dan Susu Kurma, Kalibawang/Banjarharjo/Rumah
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