Fruit Salad By Natz, Asrama Polsek Kretek
Snacks, Beverages, Sweets
Batagor & Tempuraa Murah
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Yuni Store Kelontong, Srunggo 1 Rt/rw 002/000
Bakery, Coffee, Snacks
Justicia Juice JLS, JJLS Depok Parangtritis
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Warung Jajan Aneka Rasa
Snacks, Fast food, Indonesian
Mie 77 -Mie Ayam, Yamie, Ala Gacoan, Dimsum, Pundong/Srihardono/Klisat
Noodles, Chinese, Snacks
WarDes Aneka Jajan Pasar & Minuman, Pundong/Panjangrejo/Wardes
Snacks, Fast food, Beverages
SIOMAY IKAN MAS HAS & SEMPOL AYAM, Pundong/Panjangrejo/Tarungan
Payu Camilan, Kirobayan
BAKPIA ARKANA 309, Jln Siluk Imogiri
Snacks, Fast food, Bakery
Kripik Tempe dan Peyek Ikhsan, Mojohuro Sriharjo Imogiri
Ceker TALANG mbak Yuni londri
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