Chicken & duck, Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Fried Rice With Egg
Fried Rice
Fried Chicken Rice (Original / Crispy)
Pressed Fried Chicken Rice
Fried Nila Fish With Rice
Steamed Rice
Bakmoy Rice
Ikan besar
2 Nasi Goreng Istimewa + 2 Es Teh Manis
Nasi + Ayam Bakar
Meat Ball Soup
Fried Beehoon
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup With Meatball
Fried Noodle
Dumpling Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup With Dumpling
Meat Ball Soup With Curly Noodle
Chicken Noodle Soup With Meatball & Dumpling
Fried Big Noodle
2 Mie Ayam + 2 Es Teh Manis
Fried Tofu (Crispy / Pressed)
Chinese Cabage Ca
Fried Shrimp With Mayonaise
Kale Ca
Mixed Vegetable
Fried Tempeh (Crispy / Pressed)
Fruit Soup
Vegetable Salad
Fruit Salad
Teh Manis / Tawar
Teh hijau / Matcha
Lemon Tea (es / panas)
Teh susu / milk tea
Jeruk (es / panas)
Jahe (panas / es)
Coklat / Chocholate
Kopi Hitam
Kopi dengan Susu
Jus Alpukat
Jus Apel
Jus jambu
Jus Jeruk
Jus Mangga
Jus melon
Jus Pear
Jus semangka
Jus Strawberry
Jus Tomat
Carrot Juice
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