Azen Coffee, Suryatmajan
Snacks, Bakery, Coffee
Warung Pojok Mbak Wina (Tahu Tek Tek,Tahu Campur,Gado Gado Siram,Rujak Cingur),
Rice, Martabak, Chicken & duck
Noren Coffee
Coffee, Beverages
Ayam Goreng Mbok Sabar, Jagalan
Rice, Chicken & duck
Starbucks, Malioboro 41
Snacks, Beverages, Coffee, Bakery
Sweets, Bakery
Solaria, Plaza Malioboro Lantai 1
Rice, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Excelso Coffee, Plaza Malioboro
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
Roll Abon Ningrat Malioboro, Gedong Merah Malioboro
Beverages, Sweets, Bakery
Menantea, Plaza Malioboro
Nam Hien, Malioboro
Snacks, Fast food, Beverages
Bakso Oen, Gondomanan
Bakso & soto
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