Olive Fried Chicken, Turi
Chicken & duck, Rice
Gubuk Coklat Merapi, Kaliurang
Snacks, Beverages, Indonesian
coffee and eatery HONS trisaputra
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
Burger Bangor Express, Pakem
Takoyaki Tako Nay, Pakem-Turi Raya
Beverages, Snacks, Japanese
Mie Ayam Selobonggo, Jl. Agrowisata KM 4
Klasik Coffee House And Eatery, Pakem, Harjobinangun
Fast food, Coffee, Pizza & pasta
Jajanan Pasar, Pakem Km17 DPN RS Grasia
Beverages, Fast food, Bakery
Mie Goreng Bento Mba Ree (Dapoer Yogyan), Mie Kuah, Es Kopi Susu, Balong Degolan
Beverages, Noodles, Coffee
Bakso Baroqah, Ruko Tegalsari
Bakso & soto, Coffee, Beverages
Olive Fried Chicken, Balong Palagan
Chicken & duck, Rice
Frozen Scoop Gelato & Lima's Coffee, Jl. Pakem Turi KM 0,4 Sleman
Coffee, Snacks, Sweets
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