Burjo And Kitchen, Warungboto
Fast food
Nasi Goreng Doa Ibu Mas Bejo, Glagahsari
Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice
Morgans Kebab, Umbulharjo
Rice, Fast food, Middle Eastern
Ayam Geprek Bu Rini 3, Umbulharjo
Chicken & duck, Rice
RM Padang Duta Andalas, Glagahsari
Beverages, Rice, Fast food
Seblak Mang Cepot & Baso Aci Hoax, Umbulharjo
Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto, Fast food
Nasi Goreng Dan Seafood WAROENK B&J, Jl. Tohpati No.69 Pandeyan
Rice, Noodles, Seafood, Fried Rice
Tahu Walik QiTa, Umbulharjo
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