Pizza & pasta, Barat, Roti
Dessert in a pod consists of vanilla cream, gooey butter sauce, brown sugar, milk crumble - (200gr)
Dessert in a pod consists of vanilla cream, gooey butter sauce, brown sugar, milk crumble - (65gr)
Dessert In a Pod consists of Vanilla Cream, Lychee Berry Sauce, Brown Sugar, Milk Crumble - (200gr)
Dessert In a Pod consists of Vanilla Cream, Lychee Berry Sauce, Brown Sugar, Milk Crumble - (65gr)
Its bruule aurs - dreamy chocolate (20x10cm) - includes lilin (10 pcs) + free pita dan kartu ucapan bruule (mohon menuliskan pesan yang ingin dituliskan pada kartu ucapan)
Soft chocolate cake covered in melted chocolate, topped with a layer that you can crack, giving a new sensation when enjoyed! (85gr)
Soft chocolate cake covered in melted chocolate, topped with a layer that you can crack, giving a new sensation when enjoyed! (85gr / can)
Layers of refined beef and mushroom bolognese sauce with Bruules signature cheese sauce (13,5x8cm) - inc. Cabe Bruule (5gr)
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