Pizza & pasta, Barat, Aneka nasi
1.53 km
100+ rating
100+ rating
100+ rating
Pelengkap : Nasi Putih
Pilihan ice cream : vanilla, coklat, greentea, home made ice cream
isi 8
Nutella/Susu Keju
pilihan:spaghetti /penne carbonara/bolognese/pesto/curry
Sauce: Blackpapper / Curry / Mushroom / Italian Tomato
Pilihan saus blackpapper, mushroom, curry, italian tomato
pilihan souce mushroom,blackpapper,curry
Saus : Blackpeper/Mushroom/Curry
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges Sauce :Red Sauce / Blackpapper / Mushroom / BBQ / Italian Tomato
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges
Mashed Potato / French Fries / Baby Potato / Potato Wedges
Pedes / Sedang / Tidak Pedes
pilihan ayam :Paha / Dada
pilihan ayam :Paha / Dada
Pilihan ayam paha/dada
Coffe, milk and rhum with regal biscuit added
Pilih salah satu buah nya
Pilih salah satu buah nya
Pilih salah satu buah nya
Pilih salah satu buahnya
Rommaine, rose butterhead, timun, nanas, lime
Pear & Orange
Ocha, strawberry, avocado, honey, mango
Banana & Strawberry
Rommaine, rose butterhead, timun, nanas, lime, mangga, pisang, yogurt
Buah Naga & Strawberry
Coconut water, banana, chia seed, orange, lime, greenleaf
Gak perlu repot lagi buat ngemanjain lidahmu, tinggal buka hape aja
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