Minuman, Jajanan, Indonesia
Espresso + Milk + Gula Aren
Kopi Robusta / Gayo Blend Bengkulu
Kopi Robusta / Gayo Blend Bengkulu + Condensed Milk
Coffee base single shot 30 ml
Coffee base double shot 60 ml
Espresso + Water
Espresso + Water + Condensed Milk
Espresso + Milk + Gula Aren
Americano with Ice and Simple Syrup
Espresso + Steamed Milk
Espresso + Steamed Milk (Extra Foam)
Iced/Hot Tea
Iced/Hot Chocolate
Fruiti Powder:Orange/Manggo/Strawbery/Guava/Avocado/Melon + condensed milk + fresh milk + ice cubes
Isi 4 Pcs : Singkong Keju hangat dengan taburan Keju Parut
Isi 2 Pcs Besar / 3 Pcs Kecil : Donat Kentang Hangat + Gula Halus
Es Kopi Susu Gula Aren + Teman Ngopi
Iced Latte + Teman Ngopi
Iced Milky Fruit + Teman Ngopi
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