Burger Bangor Express, Siwalankerto

Burger Bangor Express, Siwalankerto

Ayam & bebek, Barat, Jajanan, Cepat saji

9.07 km




100+ rating

100+ rating

100+ rating

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Super Deal 2

Jelata cheese + french fries + soft drink/mineral water/tea

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Bangor Juragan

Single Beef Patty Large, 100% Australian Beef + Homemade Bun and Sauce with Fresh Veggies

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Bangor Jelata Cheese

Single Beef Patty Small, 100% Australian Beef + Homemade Bun and Sauce + New Zealand Cheese Slice with Fresh Veggies

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Bangor Ningrat Cheese

Double Beef Patty Large, 100% Australian Beef + Homemade Bun and Sauce + Double New Zealand Cheese Slice with Fresh Veggies

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Bangor BBQ Smoke Beef Cheese

Single Beef Patty Large, 100% Australian Beef + Homemade Bun and BBQ Sauce + New Zealand Cheese Slice with Fresh Veggies

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